Healthier Educators
6+ Sessions | ONLINE Coaching Program
Healthier Habits for Educators
Working in schools is demanding work. We need to develop habits that will help us not just survive the work day but thrive!
This is a 6-week coaching program that focuses on developing healthier habits for educators. As an educator, Jill understands working in schools - the stress, the busy lunches, and afternoon energy drops.
Jill wants to help our educators feel better and have more energy so they can do and feel their best both at work and when they get home in the evening. Decreasing staff absences due to illness is also a goal. Students need consistency. Having a healthy staff with the energy and excitement needed each day is vital!
Jill is offering six, 60-75 minute ONLINE coaching sessions with participants joining in from different schools. She will support, encourage, guide and inform participants through the process of developing healthier habits that will shift their experience in the weeks and months to come.
When we feel better, we can give more to ourselves, our families, our students, our school.
Live Better. Teach Better.
Some of the Topics covered:
Desired Outcomes & Goal Setting
Positive Mindset & Statements
Stress Management Techniques
Clearing Clutter
Healthier Snacks & High Energy Foods
Meal Planning Ideas
Hunger vs Fullness
Lifestyle - Balance vs Harmony
Each session includes time to reflect on "What is going right?" This is a very powerful part of the growth process for each participant. It also helps to bring participants together in support and camaraderie.
Online group coaching program - "Healthier Habits for Educators"
6 weeks of a group coaching program that addresses the needs of the participants with the focus to help develop healthier habits to improve energy and well-being.
Includes a one-on-one, private, 30-minute coaching session for each participant (in person or by phone)
WEEKLY group sessions - live meetings using Zoom Meetings (can join online or phone) Recorded
Private Facebook group for support, sharing, and encouragement.
60-75 minutes group coaching session per week after school (recorded if you can't make it)
Hear from participants from previous Healthier Habits Groups...
Each participant receives one 30-minute private coaching session
(a $50 value) at the beginning of the the program.